Monday 28 November 2011

Movember 28, it's dark out, and my alarm clock broke... and I can't get my hair to do that flippy thing like that guy from that band can do. Some days, ya know?

What I find awesome? I love the sound of metal swords on other metal swords and the smell of breakfast in the morning. I also think its so awesome how you can find little things that everyone looks over. I find it awesome that a flower can have the power to to heal or kill. Isn't that awesome? Not saying that I want to kill anyone or something... I was sitting in my garden thinking about that when romeo came up to me the other day saying that he want's to get married to Juliet, but little does he know that their love is just like that flower, it has the power to heal or kill.

Monday 21 November 2011

Movember 17, 13 hour of the seventh day. Mood? Apahetic. My life is just a black abyss, ya know?

My darling 'stash is attracting the opposite sex, how wonderful. Looks like I'm going to support prostate cancer this year, then again, what is prostate cancer?

Ate some eggs this morning. They were eggy and scrambly.

However, the relationship between my good friend Romeo and a lovely lady named Juliet is growing stronger wether they know it or not. Holding hands as a couple and kissing. Sneaking out at night to see eachother, a forbidden practice, is brining them together. Yet I know that this relationship will end in tradgey, neither of them realizes that if one loves the other, yet the family will not approve, what will be the consiquence. Everything has a consiquence and I fear that soon they will be punished.