Monday 21 November 2011

Movember 17, 13 hour of the seventh day. Mood? Apahetic. My life is just a black abyss, ya know?

My darling 'stash is attracting the opposite sex, how wonderful. Looks like I'm going to support prostate cancer this year, then again, what is prostate cancer?

Ate some eggs this morning. They were eggy and scrambly.

However, the relationship between my good friend Romeo and a lovely lady named Juliet is growing stronger wether they know it or not. Holding hands as a couple and kissing. Sneaking out at night to see eachother, a forbidden practice, is brining them together. Yet I know that this relationship will end in tradgey, neither of them realizes that if one loves the other, yet the family will not approve, what will be the consiquence. Everything has a consiquence and I fear that soon they will be punished.


  1. My Juliet will not marry Romeo

  2. I have not met Juliet, who is this young woman? If she be a Capulet, there is no chance of our union.

  3. marisa and Ashlie:)21 November 2011 at 13:13

    uhm excuse me. you sound so selfish. you need to worry less on what you eat and yourself so you can start focusing on others.

  4. Brooke aka Shakespeare21 November 2011 at 13:13

    Finally... Someone has gotten the right idea. Juliet and Romeo are meant to be together <3

  5. Why sir I do believe your "stache" sounds mighty plentiful! Sadly I lack the ability to grow such a great feat of hair upon mine upper lip but I try and try again. As for your eggs I would appreciate it if you invited some of us good Montague fellows over when next you make them. And you needn't worry about Romeo and Juliet, he is in love with Rosaline at the moment and he has eyes for no other. -Benvolio Montague

  6. Their relationship better end badly and soon. Juliet is mine.

  7. Our relationship has only just begun, I do not know whether or not it will take flight, but I do know that I wish to see him once again.
