Tuesday 6 December 2011

It's the 6th day of Decembeard. Screw xbox, I play old school Nintendo. The way I dress makes everyday feel like Halloween.

I feel like my beard attracts a large number of the opposite sex :) However, it seems to be festering a little.

I'm dark and sensitive with low self esteem and the occasional bright, flowery exterior. Sometimes I get really excited and pee a little bit. When Romeo and Juliet first got married I felt the wetness seeping through the crotch of my leederhosens. However, sometimes I just can't hold my anger in. When Romeo was a blubbering fool crying on my floor I screamed and yelled! I always feel so angry when people don't realize how good their life already is!

Also, I really hate when people say hi to me. It makes me feel like I'm not good enough and they don't actually want to talk to me. Like when I use my texting machine and say "OH HEY BBG" and they say "Hi." and I'm like, kay...?

I dunno, Diary, sometimes I feel like you're the only one that gets me. You're my best friend. Other than Romeo, of course, but I still feel like he doesn't understand what I have to go through on a daily basis like you do.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Teaft0Kg-Ok Favourite. Song. EVER <3 Y'all gon love the sheesh out of it.


  1. Umm first of all Xbox is waaaaaayy better than nintendo, you can go online and pwn noobs!! And second of all you sound like a creepy pervert. And b*tch leave my wife alone

  2. Uhhh...okay?
    I honestly don't know what to say to this.

  3. Check yourself into a mental hospital, you are crazy. Why do you support Romeo's pathetic, childish and womanish love life?

  4. love you honey <3 ^^^ (lord capulet)
    i agree with everyones comments above... check yourself out boy... your so freaking wierd... pssst.

  5. My dear friend Friar, I am completely befuddled by this. Your deranged feelings are molehills in comparison to my emotions, I have no idea why this should even be written about. Plus you urinate when excited?! What are you some sort of beast?

  6. I too feel like I am left confused and like I am missing out on something but please lets not all attack the poor Friar. He has obviously been through a traumatic incident of sorts and just needs some rest.. hopefully rest uninterrupted by this unhealthy soiling of garments.
