Monday 12 December 2011

Today is the 12th day of Decembeard, and my last blog post :( I was hoping to make it to Manuhairy. Bark with me if you're my dog. Yo yo yo. Im a straight up gangster dude. Grr, I'm steaming mad... Grr.

Sisco is my homie, he's a gangster too, me and Sisco are the leaders of the gangster crew! :D

It's been a tragic week, both Romeo and Juliet are in the clouds. I had a feeling and I told myself, however I don't think I can take it any more, so I'm running away. Honestly I think I acted the way I have because I was scared, and I couldn't do anything about it. I left Juliet in the dark, and basically killed them both, it was my plan, and I can't take that heavy burden on my heart. I've packed up and am leaving today, for where? I have no idea, all I know is it will take me away from here. Take me away from the pain and ridicule. There has been so many deaths lately, even the "mighty" Lady Capulet has been put to rest. It keeps coming into my dreams when I sleep, the way everyone had to take their own lives for my mistake, however last night I had a dream, and I think Juliet, Romeo and everyone has forgiven me for my mistakes, for the dream went like this;

I had just married both Romeo and Juliet, however their love was still forbidden, and I let them go home. The next morning when I woke up I found out that Romeo had killed Tybalt and had a burden over his head. The prince had sentenced him with banishment, yet Romeo is refusing to join his friend in the clouds for he has his love on the ground; Juliet. At 4 hours to sunset both him and Juliet had shown up at my monastairy pleading for my help. I guess my conscience felt guilty because I soon came up with a plan. At sunset I stood with a knife to my neck, poured berry juice on my clothing, and drank a potion. I made sure a guard found me just before the potion took me to sleep, and I told him Juliet had killed me. When I had awoken I found out that Juliet had been banished as well, just like I wanted. They ended up living a happy life together outside of Verona, and for myself? I watched as the ancient fued ended, with not a single more bloodshed.

I feel as if I was forgiven, and if I am not, well... that's why I'm leaving.

This is me and Sisco. And 2 random black guys. I like to be in jail and he likes to sing and dance... Some say we're the perfect match.

Wednesday 7 December 2011

It's the 7th day of Decembeard. It's still festering. Grabbing a hold of me and tightening its grip tighter than a pair of my little sister's jeans... Which look great on me, by the way.

My life sucks. I found a cricket in my beard. Not to mention Cornlius's sweater came in the wrong colours.

I had an interview the other day. It went like this.

Juliet: Am I going to die after drinking this potion?

Me: No, it will simply put you into a very deep sleep, slow down your heart and stop your breathing.

Juliet: Will me and Romeo ever be together again?

Me: Duuuurp a durp. That's the point of the potion.

Juliet: Are there going to be any after effects of the potion?

Me: Nope. It's perfectly safe.

Juliet: How did you come across the recipe to this potion?

Me: I whipped it up in the kitchen while I was making breakfast. Don't worry though, I tried it on my ferret and he was a-ok.

Juliet: You have a ferret?

Me: What self respecting priest doesn't have a ferret? C'mon woman, get with the program.

Juliet: Why do you like breakfast so much?

Me: Get out of my house...

Juliet: Wait, one more question first. Are Romeo and I going to have a happy life?

Me: If you don't... I'll sick my Cornelius on you.

Juliet: Who's Cornelius?

Me: My ferret. Now get out.

This is Cornelius. His sweater was supposed to be magenta, mustard and ox blood. The hat was supposed to be a pirate hat. And it was supposed to come with leederhosens. Stinkin' ebay.

And that people is how you convince someone they're not going to die. And kick them out of your house. Im'ma go make some bacon and eggs.

Tuesday 6 December 2011

It's the 6th day of Decembeard. Screw xbox, I play old school Nintendo. The way I dress makes everyday feel like Halloween.

I feel like my beard attracts a large number of the opposite sex :) However, it seems to be festering a little.

I'm dark and sensitive with low self esteem and the occasional bright, flowery exterior. Sometimes I get really excited and pee a little bit. When Romeo and Juliet first got married I felt the wetness seeping through the crotch of my leederhosens. However, sometimes I just can't hold my anger in. When Romeo was a blubbering fool crying on my floor I screamed and yelled! I always feel so angry when people don't realize how good their life already is!

Also, I really hate when people say hi to me. It makes me feel like I'm not good enough and they don't actually want to talk to me. Like when I use my texting machine and say "OH HEY BBG" and they say "Hi." and I'm like, kay...?

I dunno, Diary, sometimes I feel like you're the only one that gets me. You're my best friend. Other than Romeo, of course, but I still feel like he doesn't understand what I have to go through on a daily basis like you do. Favourite. Song. EVER <3 Y'all gon love the sheesh out of it.

Monday 28 November 2011

Movember 28, it's dark out, and my alarm clock broke... and I can't get my hair to do that flippy thing like that guy from that band can do. Some days, ya know?

What I find awesome? I love the sound of metal swords on other metal swords and the smell of breakfast in the morning. I also think its so awesome how you can find little things that everyone looks over. I find it awesome that a flower can have the power to to heal or kill. Isn't that awesome? Not saying that I want to kill anyone or something... I was sitting in my garden thinking about that when romeo came up to me the other day saying that he want's to get married to Juliet, but little does he know that their love is just like that flower, it has the power to heal or kill.

Monday 21 November 2011

Movember 17, 13 hour of the seventh day. Mood? Apahetic. My life is just a black abyss, ya know?

My darling 'stash is attracting the opposite sex, how wonderful. Looks like I'm going to support prostate cancer this year, then again, what is prostate cancer?

Ate some eggs this morning. They were eggy and scrambly.

However, the relationship between my good friend Romeo and a lovely lady named Juliet is growing stronger wether they know it or not. Holding hands as a couple and kissing. Sneaking out at night to see eachother, a forbidden practice, is brining them together. Yet I know that this relationship will end in tradgey, neither of them realizes that if one loves the other, yet the family will not approve, what will be the consiquence. Everything has a consiquence and I fear that soon they will be punished.